
SAAR works to advance DSA’s scholarship by collaborating with individuals and departments on a variety of research studies for publication and/or presentation. Action items include networking academic partners, service as an honest broker, navigating IRB, assistance with manuscripts, and pursuit of grants.

Examples of research collaborations include:

  • Longitudinal study of first-generation student success, with Psychology and Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars.
  • Graduate student mental health, with the Student Health Center and Counseling and Wellness Center.
  • Student food insecurity, with IFAS.
  • Relationship between GPA and usage of recreational facilities, with RecSports.
  • Incoming student mental health needs, with GatorWell, New Student & Family Programs, and the Counseling & Wellness Center.
  • Health services utilization, with the Student Healthcare Center.
  • Effects of roommates on academic success, with Housing & Residence Education, College of Education, and Economics
  • Classroom Assessment and Instructional Modes: An Exploration of School-Level Contextualized Psychometric Challenges.